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Tout : Engine : Firewall forward
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Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

Today I cut and installed the baffle seals. First I copied the templates on the sela material. I then cut the material with a good pair of cissors.

Then the baffles are drilled and deburred. The holes are then made in the seal using the kind of tool you use to add some holes in a leather belt. And this is the result for the forward right ramp.

I then reinstall all the baffles on the engine to tweak the cuts and arrange all the overlaps.

I finish the session by cutting the forward seal between the ramps and the lower cowl, using the strip fabricated yesterday.
The reinstall of the upper cowl went surprisingly without any problem.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 69h)

Lectures (1950)
Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

One hour to refrabricate the template for the rear baffle seal, mark the holes for the baffle seal rivets.
I also cut the front of the forward ramps as they might interfere with the seal during bottom cowl removal.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 65h)

Lectures (2134)
Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

First I sand all the baffle parts as I intend to prime them shortly.But before that I think it is a ggod idea to cut the baffle seal. The seal have some funny curves so I cut some cardboard templates to see how all will fit. The picture shows them.

I then ckeck that there will be enough material to cut all my parts. Tomorrow I will redo the template for the rear baffles as I now have them in two pieces I think I can cut them in one piece.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 64h)

Lectures (2079)
Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

Still working on the cooler installation. The right flange has to be modified so that the gap with the engine mount is at least 1/2". The picture shows the alterations I made.

Then I have to drill the two rear baffles for the magnetos cooling blast tubes. The black tube will be attached a bit later.

Then I have to drill the forward raight ramp for the alternator cooling tubing. I have ordered a 1" aluminium flange to install the tubing and have a nicer finish.

And last hole to be drilled, in the forward left ramp. As I will have dual mufflers, I have to ventilate both mufflers so that's where the left muffler will get the air from. (The right muffler gets it from the right rear baffle, installed yesterday).

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 61h)

Lectures (2080)
Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

next is to install the oil cooler on the rear left baffle. These as the parts to assemble : the baffle, a doubler and a bracket.

And this is the result after some cutting, filing, deburring and dimpling. The bracket is not visible being on the other side of the baffle.
I also installed the ignition wire grommet.

The cooler will be bolted with very long bolts so spacer have to be fabricated tobe inserted between the cooler's flanges. I cut the spacer a bit shorter than the dimension given in the plans. This will allow some washers to be put between the spacer and the flange and spread the load.

Then I prime the contact surfaces and begin riveting all the parts. I had some problems with a few rivets so this task took a bit longer than expected.

This is the air pick-up for the cabin heat on the aft right baffle (there will be a second pick-up on the left forward baffle I think).

Working time on this subpart
Today :  6h (Total : 59h)

Lectures (2180)

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