Building log

Still some cutting
Catégorie: Engine : Firewall forward

Still working on the cooler installation. The right flange has to be modified so that the gap with the engine mount is at least 1/2". The picture shows the alterations I made.

Then I have to drill the two rear baffles for the magnetos cooling blast tubes. The black tube will be attached a bit later.

Then I have to drill the forward raight ramp for the alternator cooling tubing. I have ordered a 1" aluminium flange to install the tubing and have a nicer finish.

And last hole to be drilled, in the forward left ramp. As I will have dual mufflers, I have to ventilate both mufflers so that's where the left muffler will get the air from. (The right muffler gets it from the right rear baffle, installed yesterday).

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 61h)

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