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Tout : Wings : Final assembly |
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
With my dad's help we reinstalled the left fuel tank. The wings are now ready to g to the hangar, all the remaining work having to be done once they are bolted on for good. Working time on this subpart Today : 1h (Total : 82h) |
Lectures (3206)
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
I go on riveting the right wing bottom skins. I have some difficulties with some rivets on the rear spar and make two small dings. I improved the way I rolled back the skin by using a strap rather than duct tape. I also leave some rivets out as I will rivet them tomorrow with Gaà«l, a future builder Working time on this subpart Today : 5h (Total : 78h) |
Lectures (3133)
Catégorie: Wings : Final assembly
I begin riveting the bottom skins of the second wing. With the experience gained with the first wing, work is going quit smoothly. The first skin is not finished yet but not very far. Some rivets will be left for the end of the week when a future RV builder wants to get some hands on experience. The picture shows how the skin can be lifted to hold the bucking bar. Working time on this subpart Today : 2h (Total : 73h) |
Lectures (3057)