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Tout : Wings : Skeleton
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Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

The day begins with the deburring and sanding of the parts I had worked on yesterday. I also primed some other parts (see the today's articles).

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 33h)

Lectures (3660)
Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

The rear spar has to be rigged with brackets to receive the ailerons. The brackets need to be assembled, but they first have to be deburred, drilled and coutersunk.

On the rear spar I also have to install the flap brace and aileron gap fairing. These parts have to be prepped before priming. Tomorrow the weather should be fine to allow for a priming session.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 31h)

Lectures (3735)
Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

After some frightening moments yesterday, due to a miscalibrated levelling tool, I verified that my sekeletons are square and straight so as to be able to rivet the leading edges and the skins, and bolt on the fuel tanks.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  1h (Total : 29h)

Lectures (3710)
Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

This morning, while waiting for the weather to clear, I dimpled the skeleton. All the ribs and the rear spar had to be dimpled. Now the skeleton is quasi ready to get all the elements, I just have to touch up some spot with primer and to verify that everything is square/

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 28h)

Lectures (3627)
Catégorie: Wings : Skeleton

Sabine has deburred the whole skeleton : ribs and rear spar.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 26h)

Lectures (3760)

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