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Tout : Wings : Flaps
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Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

After some difficulties bucking a few rivets, both flaps are finished. The hinge pin is secured using a piece of hinge screwed to the spar. On the other flap the small part is screwed horizontally, this will allow to differentiate right and left pins.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 23h)

Lectures (3810)
Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

Today I got a lot done: assembly of the two flaps, fabrication of the jig for the riveting, riveting of the skins and ribs. Normally I should have finished everything by riveting the skin to the spar, but I run into some problems with the upper skin: the shopheads weren't nicely formed. I decided to drill out all the bad rivets and to do the work on another session. So both flaps only await the spar to be riveted.

The flap hinge is clecoed on the spar. I decided to have the hinge pin inserted by the middle of the hinge. For this I removed one eye of the hinge and added a nutplate on the spar to allow for a hinge pin blocking system.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  8h (Total : 20h)

Lectures (3848)
Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

The day begins with dimpling, then sanding and to finish all the parts are primed. Tomorrow I'll begin the assembly.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 12h)

Lectures (3799)
Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

Three hours to deburr holes and edges.
Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 8h)

Lectures (3777)
Catégorie: Wings : Flaps

The flaps are dissassembled, the spars need now to be countersunk. The spar is 56" long and holds 57 holes. On the picture, the left hole is before countersinking, the center after and in the right one I put a rivet just to check depth. I left the hing in place to guide the pilot of he countersink bit.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 5h)

Lectures (3853)

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