Building log

Firewall forward
Catégorie: Finishing : Wiring

Working on the wiring goes on. Today I finished all the firewall forward wiring. I first routed all the available wires through the firewall passthroughs. This is the right side.

I then made the missing wires, the fuel and temperature sensors wiring was not complete.
I also made the ignition harnesses, the picture shows the PMag wiring on the right side.

On the left I have a Slick mag. The wire is shielded and the shield get seaprated before being connected to the grouns stud on the mag (right connector in the picture).
I also made some standby harnesses for the ignition, this will allow to go full electronic or full traditional without routing new wires.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  3h (Total : 108h)

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