Building log

Catégorie: Finishing : Canopy

Today I did all the drilling on the canopy. There are a quite a few operations to perform. First the siderails and rollbar get drilled and deburred. The holes are not drilled to full size. Then the canopy is put back on the fuselage. On the picture, the siderail and the holes visible through the canopy.

The same for the rollbar. The canopy will be screwed to the holes on the green tape. The small holes in the back will be for the rear window.

The drilling is done by aiming the hole through the canopy. It's not that difficult.

Then holes have to be countersink with different depth between the rollbar and the siderails as there will be a skirt on the side.
On three holes on the rollbar I had some problems, with some chips on the holes, but no cracks. I countersunk a bit deeper and smoothed out the hole with my dremel. I think it will be bearely visible once finished.
Then I drilled all the holes to final size, and deburred everything.

After having put the canopy back on the fusealeg again, I marked the cutting line on the back of the canopy. I'll have to cut 1/2" on the top and 1/8" on the sides.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 86h)

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