Building log |
First tweaking
After the big cut yesterday, today begins the tweaking of the canopy. First I verify the positionning and the result of yesterday's cut. Here is a picture of the top of the rollbar, the line in the middle of the bar is visible, and the canopy goes above the line by 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. On the side the canopy is on the line or barely over the line. All looks good. At the front, the canopy has to go in the "ear", the slit visible on the next picture. I have to shorten the front sides a bit more. Using adhesive tape I mark this new cut line. Here we have the new cut line, I also maked the sides but left enough plexi to make the fine tuning later. Working time on this subpart Today : 1h (Total : 75h) |
Lectures (2050)