Building log

Cutting marks
Catégorie: Finishing : Canopy

First I reinstall the rear skin and then sand lightly the pop rivet heads on the roll bar as they might scratch the rear window.

Then I get the canopy out in the garden, using two old matresses as support. Our lady cat Seraphine (turning 20 in July) checks my moves.

First task is to mark the center of the canopy, this will help positionning on the fuselage.

Then the first cutting marks are made. The method is as following : a the border of a small tape marks the cutting line, then the protective sheet is taped to the first tape by a larger tape. This is to avoid canopy dust getting between the protective layer and the canopy.
The first cut is just to discard the marks left by the tooling i.e the two parallel lines visible in the picture.

As it's getting late, the first cut will be for another day.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  2h (Total : 67h)

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