Building log

Cabin frame..part four
Catégorie: Fuselage : Cabin

Again some work on the cabin frame. The holes facing outside on the angles get countersunk, the forward holes are then tapped. The forward screws are holding the skin and frame to the angle while the back ones will be hidden beahind the skin. Putting the nuts on the back screws proved to be quite a challenge.

Then two holes have to be drilled on the inner part of the angle as two bolts will be used there.

All has now to be taken apart to drill the frame to the right size and coutersink all the holes. This poses some problems on the rounded parts ans some holes have to be done without the cage. The forward part will be riveted with the usual rivets, but the rear part will be done with pop rivets as the back side of the holes will be inaccessible.

Working time on this subpart
Today :  4h (Total : 69h)

Lectures (2310)
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