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Passengers : Victor and Vincent
le 19-06-2013 17:30:00 (2787 lectures)

Today a small flight with my nephews visiting from California. First Victor, he participated at the begining of the build (HERE)

Then it's Vincent's turn.

Happy pilot and passengers after overflying Seine-et-Marne in between some thunderstorms.

Passengers : With Romuald
le 14-04-2013 17:56:29 (2779 lectures)

Today, Romuald, RV-7A builder visits the hangar to finally make a flight. While waiting for him this Yak-3 landed.

And the postflight grin.

Passengers : With my doctor
le 04-04-2013 18:50:00 (2843 lectures)

My doctor for the last 25 years came to the hangar. He had followed the build during various house calls. The weather being fine he and his wife got the castle tour.

Vaux-le-Vicomte caste in the background.

And in front of Blandy les Tours.

Passengers : With Gaël
le 04-11-2012 16:30:00 (3049 lectures)

Gaël has helped riveting the wing skins (HERE).Yesterday he came to the hangar to have a look at the finished plane. During our short flight we did some stalls, fast cruise and two landings.

Passengers : Sunny sunday
le 07-10-2012 19:30:00 (2910 lectures)

Today we had an unexpected sunny Sunday. We went to the hanagr so Sabine and friends Dominique and Jean-Pierre could admire the new paint. I then flew two times.

First with Dominique, she seems happy to be back on earth.

The second flight with Jean-Pierre, he helped a few times during the building. He was there to hang the engine and also to help for the move to the airport.

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Infos vol
Heures de vol : 532
Passagers : 120
Aérodromes : 91
Atterrissages : 740